Still Forming

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my space

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welcome to the little space i have come to call my own in our little home.

on most mornings, if i'm smart, i wake early to brew a pot of hot water for tea and settle into this quiet corner for about an hour. if i'm even smarter, i will resist the urge to open the computer lid to check blogs and e-mail, reminding myself that this time is reserved for opening my heart to God. i will sit with a psalm or two and pray quietly, and then i will read a small section of two books by henri nouwen that are teaching me much these days about silence and prayer, and about the selfless way of christ.

i have come to need this morning time spent in my quiet little space each day. on the mornings i do get up to spend time here before formally entering back into the dailyness of the world, i feel such a tremendous difference in the tenor of my day. i carry a greater peace with me, a greater sense of centeredness, and the little gremlins that often tear at my heart seem to flee far from me. i'm always so grateful for the time i spent with God in that space, and i'm always aware of having missed it when i don't make the time for it. it has become a discipline, but also a gift.

as a sidenote, i'm positive this little desk wanted to be discovered by us. back when kirk and i had the conversation that led to our decision to stay in florida, we decided to start investing more of ourselves into furnishing our little house. this little desk was a great find we discovered on the first day we went on the hunt, but it was a total surprise. not only was it nestled in a crowded corner of the very last antique shop we visited that day, but it was also covered in just the kind of trinkets that normally give me the willies. somehow, though, i was drawn closer to the desk in that shop and became completely dazzled by its beauty.

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i love the simplicity of its basic design combined with the intricacy of the wood carvings on its sides. i love its thin, spindly legs. i love the darkness of the wood. i love that it is totally feminine and totally me.

as a bonus, the owner of the shop wanted to sell it. for this early-1900s antique desk that was priced at $225, we got it for just $100. what a steal!