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Going Home for Christmas

Well, it's official. Kirk and I just booked our flights home for Christmas in California. Woohoo!

I'm so excited about this trip, as I've been walking through a pretty homesick season. I miss getting regular cuddle time with Kate and hours and hours on Sara's couch. I miss my family, and I miss my mom's house. I miss my home church, Rock Harbor, like crazy on a pretty regular basis.

Basically, I miss the familiarity of the place I spent twenty-five years of my life, and I miss the people in it. I even miss the temperamental freeways.

It's been rough lately, being so far from home and from my established community. I keep wondering if God will bless me with deep cords of friendship here in Florida, too, and when that will happen if it does. I wish I could say *presto!* and watch a beautiful group of new friends materialize before my very eyes. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. I keep wondering if I'm doing something wrong, missing something obvious, not looking in all the right places.

So, obviously, I'm pretty darn excited about this trip home. It will be good to have facetime with folks I love, and especially for the cozy Christmas season.