Still Forming

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Photo Woes

So, I've got a few ideas for some fun new posts, but they all include photos. Unfortunately for me, that means having to pull out the big camera, stage the photos, upload them to my hard drive, and then fiddle with Blogger in order to get them spaced just right with the text. For some reason, Blogger never behaves when I include photos with my posts (anyone else ever have problems with this??). Anyway, the posts themselves are simple and in good fun and really shouldn't require that amount of work. So, this is the reason for the lag.

This is also the reason I've begun to get in the mood for a small, sleek, highly pixellated digital camera I can keep in my purse for snapping quick shots whenever I get the fancy. In that dream reality, I would then quickly and easily upload them to some as-of-yet undiscovered perfect photosharing site that lets me do all kinds of fun things I want to be able to do, like categorize my photos, write unique captions, create quality photobooks to order, and upload individual photos via URL to my blog. Oh yeah, and somehow streamline the process for uploading all my thousands of photos currently stored on my hard drive through Picasa. Argh!

You can see why I might be stalled. :-)