Still Forming

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A Peek Into This New Life

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This is pretty much how Diva and I get along on a regular basis.

Today was the first day of the first full week of my new full-time life at home. Last week this new journey began, but it was definitely a transition week. This week, it feels a lot more official.

I love the way I spent this first official morning.

As Kirk got ready and left for work, I made some coffee in the french press and settled in at my desk. It has been so long since I spent time on morning devotions, and that was my first priority today. I have a long list of Gospel passages on assignment for a leadership course I'm taking, so I started reading through the list.

There's something about the Bible that makes me want to read it aloud. Do you ever find that to be the case for you? Some of the passages on my list for today were quite lengthy, so I sat and read aloud at my desk for about 45 minutes. And typical to form, Diva showed up about five minutes into the reading practice . . . she proceeded to jump on my lap and listen to the words and stories of Jesus for pretty much the entirety of my devotional time. (I swear, this little girl kitty knows God.)

I remember last spring, in 2009, when I emerged out of a season of learning to rest, I came to a place of great contentedness in small, everyday chores for our household. Making the bed, folding the laundry, paying the bills, and doing the dishes became activities of great joy and peace for me, and honestly, I have been looking forward to resuming responsibility for these tasks in our household with my return home on a more permanent basis.

This morning, after the devotional exercise of reading Scripture and spending time in prayer, then, I did a few household chores . . . and just the exercise of doing them filled me up again inside. I like the way these little tasks make me feel like I am caring for our life at home together.

Then I settled in for several hours of work at my desk. I organized and filtered through more of my work orientation e-mails, and I began to put some plans in place for the upcoming weeks. I also started diving into my first big project, which I look forward to continuing to do tomorrow. Once all of this was done, I stopped for a lunchtime snack, checked personal e-mails and Facebook, and read some of my favorite blogs.

In all, it was a very peaceful day, and I am enjoying the opportunity to plan and execute my day in the ways that seem most fitting and best, given the things that most need doing.

As a note: I don't plan to chronicle each and every day's activity on this blog in the way I've just done here and have been doing in small snippets over the past week or so. In fact, over the course of the coming days, I expect to start sharing more of my heart's journey with you from this last year and how that led to my making this decision I did to embark on such a big life change away from full-time work in an office. I'll also be sharing some of my thoughts on this particular blog space with you in the coming days, in terms of why this space is important for me and how it is an important element inside my heart's journey right now.

I hope you'll continue to join me for the journey!

