Blogging Break

Hey, everybody.

I've decided to take a little hiatus on blogging here. A lot is swirling around in my heart and brain these days, but I haven't found the ability to put these things into words yet. I'm going to take a little breather from this blog so that my insides can have greater freedom to roam around and sort things out.

Most of this has to do with school and how I'm growing professionally. There's a lot to think on and share about there, but I can't find the words to express that here.

In the meantime, I'm still part of the beautiful collaboration over at Also Only / Even If. I'll still be reading and commenting on your blogs as usual. And you'll still find me playing around over on Facebook, my latest indulgence. (If I haven't found you over there yet, feel free to look me up!)

Thanks for your patience with me as I mull things around over here.

