How to Cure the Funkiness

Please don't ever ask me to get over how cute she is.

Please don't ever ask me to get over how cute she is.

I've been in a funky mood this week, and the worst part is being unable to form written words around it.

The funkiness feels connected to things I need to get done that I'm dreading doing. It feels connected to anxiety that rises up around certain aspects of my life. And it feels connected to ideas and ponderings and experiences I've long wanted to write about here and in another place but seem unable to write. 



The "unable to write" part is possibly the worst part of all. 

So today on Facebook, I mentioned that sometimes creating a to-do list can help cure the funkiness. I've experienced this as true. The to-do's pile up inside my head, and when I'm unable to contain them anymore, I get overwhelmed. Writing them out releases the pressure from carrying them around by myself. 

Shadows and light.

Shadows and light.

But I also said on Facebook that sometimes the funkiness keeps us from writing the list at all. (Ain't that the truth?!)

Yet somehow I was able to get myself to write the list down today. I even checked a few items off of it. But the funkiness remained. 

So inquisitive.

So inquisitive.

After noticing that I kept grabbing for my phone to record particular moments throughout the day and that doing so seemed to bring a spark of life each time I did it, I finally let my photographer's eye wander around my house.

I let myself be present to the moments right in front of me. The light passing across the wall at a certain time of day. My kitty coming to sit with me at my desk. The detail on a favorite corner of curtain that hangs on the window next to me. How much I love our home.

Light crossing underneath a desk.

Light crossing underneath a desk. 

In shadows.

In shadows. 

Curtain detail.

Curtain detail. 

Shadows on wall.

Shadows on wall.



Being present to the moment + being creative with photographs really helps cure the funkiness for me. At least for the moment I'm abandoned to those moments and that creativity.