Expect the Unexpected

The best way to travel is to be open to surprises.

For example, while we expected to love the Rock of Cashel site near Kilkenney, an old landmark that draws tons of tourists to its grounds per day, we actually enjoyed better the old abandoned and rundown monastery sitting on the other side and down the hill from it. Who couldn’t love and discover the holy in a sacred and quiet place like this? (See Rock of Cashel through window of second picture.)

Also, a little church we decided to visit on our return from Rock of Cashel smacked us silent with reverence and awe when we definitely didn’t expect it. After nearly two months away from corporate worship, my spirit craved the refreshment of the profound presence of God’s Spirit that pervades that Holywell Abbey. Even though we were alone in the church’s interior, the quietly piped-in monastic chant and the small candles casting a red glow on the wall made it feel we were surrounded by other believers seeking the holiness of God’s face, too.

And finally, while staying at the Lyreth Estate Hotel in Kilkenny, we spied two hot air balloons taking off from the hotel grounds early one evening, as well as a handful of ponies and a private jet plane that belonged to the hotel owner!

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You just delight in experiences and awaken yourself to much more of life’s gifts when you adopt a habit of wonder, I’ve decided. Don’t you agree?